New Year

Writer's block prevented me from writing for awhile now. It comes and goes in cycles like everything else in life. There are so many experiences that I neglected to share over the last few months.

Yom Teruah marked a spiritual new year and it drew us closer to the end of our first year mourning Raquel's loss. This day meant so much to me. The beginning of a new spiritual season was huge. I wanted something tangible to mark the beginning of the end of a heartbreaking and difficult year.

It began on a great note. My close friend's mom gave her heart to Yeshua. She entered into her inheritance. This was exactly the kind of surprise Abba wanted to give all of us. That night after many months she'd agonized over this decision she was led to the Lord by a tenacious Rabbi we all know and love. This glorious event was a long time in coming. It cost many tears and prayers to be offered up on her behalf. I was blessed to be sitting next to her when she asked Yeshua into her life and heart and made Him Lord of her life. Wow. I have often reflected on what a special event I got to witness. She experienced the death and resurrection of Messiah! His atonement covered her sins. She is a new creation in Messiah. Her new life as a believer began.

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