It's Raquel's 5th Birthday! Who knew what the last five years would hold but G-d? Our limited perspective never gave us a glimpse into what these years would be like. Tried over the last couple of days to see if I could come up with a list of lessons learned and sadly, I came up short. I'm glad that Gary had that insight and he shared it with me. A few weekends ago, I watched little E. (born a few weeks before Raquel) dance and run and skip. She beamed of joy and love! It made me smile from the inside out. I think it was a moment in time where heaven and earth converged. I pictured Raquel in that brief moment dancing away in those green pastures by smooth waters. Bittersweet. This is the first year I didn't feel torn by inner pain and hidden sorrow as her birthday approached. The year she died, I wanted to rush through the grieving process because the pain was so intense and I hoped relief was just around the corner. I guess the last five years taught me that despite best intentions, hopes, and prayers, NOTHING changes before predetermined by Him. We had to live through each moment of sorrow as it came. Grateful that I can breathe deeply now. I look forward to visiting her in two days to wish her a Happy Birthday. No matter how much time passes, I'll never forget her or these anniversaries. Just writing about her makes me weep tears that I know aren't going unnoticed by Abba. O.k. so now that I'm actually letting my mind think about her, pain is still coming to the surface. What a blessed relief, actually. The last few days were strange in that no tears fell as I helped comfort my children. They mourn over what could have been and what is for other families. My only encouragement is for them to stop fighting and to yield to our sovereign G-d. Laying down our desires, dreams, plans and trusting our loving/living G-d to give us His best isn't easy. Knowing He's chosen to begin instilling this lesson into my children at their tender ages requires lots of yielding, I assure you. The last year has been rocky outside our four cozy walls. We have been stretched, pruned, shaken, fallen but through it all, He has lifted us up and given us His strength and help. Praying this next year brings relief from some of the intensity and much clearer direction on the way that we should the meantime, I hope our Raquel is dancing, running, singing, playing and learning as unto the L-rd. Little E. please keep dancing along with J. as it helps me picture RED!


Anonymous said...

Five years! I don't know if we can begin to fathom the significance of that number. I do know that the Lord is the aurthor of time and that these years are very important to Him. May He pour out His blessing both now and in eternity on your family.
I love you all dearly,

Anonymous said...

Reading your post helped me, Mommy. I am trying to be happy because it is Raquel's Birthday, but I can't help but crying. I selfishly wish she was here on earth( healed of course) so we could see her blow out her birthday candles. When I was five you made me a lady bug cake, and I got a princess dress to dress up in. If Raquel was on earth healed and whole would be doing the same thing? Would she be asking what her gifts were? But if she was not healed and was still living we would be spending her birthday in a hospital?
I am so very glad that The Lord has continued healing you. Having a child die is one the most tragic things, it even made God sad. Thank you for stilling caring for us even through your greif. Thank you also for sitting g down and talking about our little Raquel's short life. Happy Birthday, Raquel!

Mom said...

Have tried to reply twice so here is an abbreviated one...thank you! Your prayers, encouragement, and kindness have helped me especially this last year. May He bless you greatly above and beyond what He has already. Love you.

Mom said...

I'm glad you were able to share your thoughts and feelings so beautifully. What you have experienced at this age is very difficult but just imagine the joy that awaits us on the other side of eternity! Thank you for being willing to open up and be an encouragement to others and me!