Off Camber Jeep Club - Raquel's March of Dimes Fundraiser

Gary's Jeep Club, Off Camber, hosted a March of Dimes fundraiser in Raquel's name. My family is grateful to all the great people who generously gave so much of their time, creativity, finances, and hard work - to name just a few things , to make this day a reality. I have to admit, though, going for me was a bit daunting. Some days I'm able to detach myself a bit and not break down and cry, while at other times, it feels like I've just birthed, loved and buried our little girl, and I struggle to hold back the flood works. Everyone there helped calm my heart, though, and blessed and encouraged all of us.

These are just of a few of the folks that helped this event come to fruition:

Thank you, Mike S., for sharing this special day with us. I thought of Jennifer's life and the few memories I'm blessed to have of her.

Clayton, we appreciate everything you did to organize the date, secure a location, promote the event and encourage participation from vendors as well as drivers.

Bill and Sue, We can't fully express our gratitude to you for working all weekend to organize and ensure great rides and a successful event. Thank you for all the behind the scenes work you did as well.

Gabe, everyone present must have thoroughly enjoyed the culinary skills you demonstrated on Saturday. We are still reminiscing about the smoky, brined chicken you gave us. Did you get anything to eat? BTW. Your bride is lovely in every way. You are truly blessed!

Of course, the event wouldn't have been successful without the vendors and all the drivers who participated. Your generosity and kindness won't soon be forgotten.

We will always remember this day and all you did to honor our family. May God bless each and every one of you beyond your wildest dreams and hopes.

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