Happy 3rd Birthday Raquel

On February 28, 2011 it will be the three year anniversary of Raquel's Birthday. Recently we were sharing the story of Raquel with a couple over dinner. The severity of the pain and the intensity of the loss all came rushing back.

I was surprised by all the emotions that came rushing back. My mind was flooded with the memories of the hospital, how G-d spoke to use through dreams, the hard and painful lessons we had to learn.

Over the past three years much has changed and yet much remains the same. We continue to miss her, continue to love her, continue to serve the living G-d, and are thankful for our two children here on earth.

We have deep empathy for anyone that has suffered a similar loss, and know that we serve a big G-d with big plans.

HE has taught us that loving and serving the Lord is not without pain, challenges and struggles. That G-d's "goodness" is not defined by the absence of pain, but by an eternal focus on the precious souls he wants to redeem.

While the world is in turmoil, and things are worsening by the day, we know who sits on THE THRONE. The great I AM.

We also know, somewhere among the throngs of those singing Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh (Holy, Holy, Holy), is our little Raquel. Sing baby sing! For truly our Messiah is Holy and worthy to be praised.

We love you and miss you Raquel. Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. Beautifully expressed, G.